Understanding Thermal Paper

You may have lately been reading a lot of news about thermal paper. This is a product that has a variety of uses, and there are many applications where thermal paper is essential. The information in this post will explain just what thermal paper is, and it will show you how the product came about.

For the uninformed, Prosource paper basically is specially constructed paper that responds to exposure to heat. In the majority of cases, thermal paper gets put in specially designed thermal printers, as well as some other machines that are meant to be used lightly.

Chemicals and dyes are combined in a fine, solid mixture, and this mixture then gets applied to the thermal paper. When the chemical coating gets heated beyond where it will melt, the dye then combines with the chemicals. The dye and chemical mixture gets arrayed in the correct image, and this particular image is very quickly locked into place by the cooling of the matrix.

While the majority of thermal papers are created to turn the mixture black, you may come across red or blue thermal paper from time to time. Thermal paper will very quickly change color if you put a small flame next to it. However, even something as quick as a fingernail running across the paper creates enough friction heat to leave a mark.

Thermal paper will often have a protective coating applied to the surface. There are a good number of reasons why this is the case. The image you print on your thermal paper will need to be protected from alteration due to things like light, fat, lard, or water. The coating of the thermal paper may also help prolong the life of the thermal printer head. You’ll also find that the coating of the paper can keep extra residue from building up on the head of the printer. When you are using specific kinds of ink, the coating can help secure the ink to the paper. The printer head can also better focus the heat on the Thermal Paper.

The very first thermal paper was created at the start of the 1960s due to companies looking to improve their ability to print. The print head for thermal printing was then developed in 1965, and by the end of the decade you could buy a computer terminal that had a built-in thermal printer. These devices became the beginning of the use of thermal paper in business. During the next decade, thermal printers were usually installed in every computer terminal that was sold to businesses and individuals. Even to this day, thermal printing has a very important role in society.

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